
January 11th, 10 am EST

Article by Anastasia Eurich

Hi everyone! Anastasia here. Or as some people call me, “the Simpleats girl”…

When it comes to healthy living, that term — simple-eats, is indeed my hidden identity. But it’s also the name of my food blog. You can check it out on Instagram . Yes, that’s a shameless plug…

Anyways, I’ve been good friends with Miss Ashley for about five years now and she recently started this amazing blog. Occasionally she asks to do little collaborations with me, and like… how could I say no?

Today, I am here to talk to you a little about Health and Wellness from my perspective. In my eyes, Health and Wellness together, is a lifestyle. It’s chosen by you and gives you the ultimate and unlimited space to be your best self.

Awhile back, I was on my way to take Ashley out to lunch and of course the classic COVID discussion came up. Ashley started with “I don’t know how cautious you are but….” . I had mentioned to Ashley that I had antibodies, as I had gotten it earlier in September when at school (dang college kids right?) Anyways, the conversation proceeded and I ended up saying, “thankful for my health all day everyday.” The message was *hearted*.

And it’s true! It is something that I write down in my journal often. It’s something I’ve worked hard for and is something I greatly cherish. It then soon became my passion and I find joy in sharing my tips and tricks with others, hence the food blog. Speaking of, it’s a new year, which is a popular time for people to buy the fanciest new exercise machine, give into a trending dieting program, or make unrealistic goals to lose weight that may not even need to be lost.

But I’ve learned that it doesn’t have to be time-consuming, expensive, or emotionally draining. Quite the opposite actually. When it comes to health goals or health in general, one word always seems to be “left out”. That word is wellness. Wellness pertains to every part of you, including your mind. Wellness goes hand in hand with health.

And that’s what I’ll be sharing today! I’ve written a guide for anyone and everyone, new to Health and Wellness or a guru. It’s made up of reminders, advice, encouragement, and one abundantly clear message: It’s all about you.

Photos by Anastasia Eurich


Here’s what you should know…

  1. Your health is your business.

    This goes two ways. It’s not anyone else’s business what you’re doing with your body or your mind. This also means you keep your eyes on your own paper too! That is of course, if someone asks you to edit their paper, then you’re obviously free to give them advice if you know what I mean.

  2. Don’t set yourself up for lofty goals with no ladder.

    I mentioned “goals” earlier and I seriously think that if you set a goal but don’t know how to start or making the plan becomes a bigger task than the actual goal, start smaller. There’s nothing wrong with taking a few steps backwards either, especially if you’re able to run farther later on.

  3. Numbers don’t belong in “health talk.”

    If I’m honest, this is something that took me a long time to learn and it’s still a work in progress. Calories are units of energy. That’s awesome because I don’t know about you, but I love feeling energized and am much better person to be around when I am. Serving sizes aren’t rules you have to follow, and if you see them that way, maybe break them a little and truly learn what’s right for you. Oh, and that number on the scale… gravity is a cool part of science and all, but last time I checked, it isn’t a way to measure health or wellness. Nutrition isn’t short for “how to be a size 0”!

  4. Eat foods that fuel you, not tear you down.

    I believe in intuitive eating with all my heart and soul. But there is a big difference between eating what your body craves and not caring about what you’re putting into your body. There’s a motherly-instinct inside of me that urges you to follow that carb craving if your body needs energy… but maybe you satisfy that craving with a bowl of chickpea pasta that contains nutrients and will give you energy, rather than the bag of Oreos. See what I’m getting at here?

  5. Add to your life before you try to take things out.

    This one is extremely important. Revisiting the idea of goals and restrictive diets, I want to tell you that human bodies simply aren’t meant to follow them. I think that if you are going to transition to a healthier lifestyle, the first thing you need to do is actually consider what you could have more of! Ironic right? May I suggest more protein, more leafy greens, and more water? More quality-time, more soul-searching, and more love? Oftentimes people try to just cut things out of their life and it leaves them very empty. Literally. If you start by adding in the shiny new, the “old” things that weren’t serving you will be made clear. And then, you know it’s time to get rid of them. You’ll be left more fulfilled, more educated on and connected to your body , and simply more satisfied with the progress you made.

Health should be accessible. It’s customizable, unique and simply so personal. It does not need to be expensive, stressful, and it most definitely shouldn’t be something you punish yourself over. It should make you feel well! Your health should fit your needs, and maybe, just maybe, be full of some good whole foods.

Thanks for reading!

With love,

