
January 16th, 10 am EST

Article by Ashley

In the first two pieces for the Yours section of this blog, I wrote about the ideas of Peace and Routine. Two words that truly belong side by side. Much like Health and Wellness. I have dealt with so much change in the last several months, and as an inevitable result, I have been doing a lot of growing. I love growth, but man, do I hate change. To my mind, change is the provoker of anxiety. If you also struggle with anxiety, mild to severe, you know this to be true.

My gratitude towards this blog is so large. It forces me to hold myself accountable and take my own advice. I’ve fallen out of some routines of mine and this month I’ve been trying so hard to get them back and even create new ones. I’ve found that when my anxiety is at its peak, when I don’t have any answers, and when it seems like everything around me is burning, I have some things that always make me feel safe and stable.

In no way am I suggesting that I’ve mastered control of my anxiety, though I believe I will one day. What I’m trying to say is, some days are better than others. I’m thankful for the good days just as I’m equally as thankful for the bad days.

And what of it?

I know I blab a lot. And blabbing isn’t for this section so let me get right to the point: Self-care

There. I said it.

My friends, you cannot be healthy if you are not well. Wellness is the pure blend of your mind, soul, and body and there are so many different spheres of wellness — so many ways in which you can be “well”. But I want to know, if you aren’t taking care of yourself, are you well? I really do believe that self-care is the root of overall wellness.

There. I said it.

I think that sometimes, the idea of self-care is misconstrued. So often, you hear someone say “take a self-care day”, and you already know what their suggesting. Face masks, comfy clothes, tea, candles, binge-watching, and a hot bath. My friends, self-care is so much deeper than an at home spa. Self-care is a mindset and a lifestyle. It is behavior. It should be the soundtrack of your life.

There. I said it. And I don’t want to have to say it again (even though I will if you need me to because I love and support you!)

So, here are 10 ways to self-care and engage in wellness. This is not, I repeat, this is not just for when you’re tired or have had a rough week. It is not only for when you feel you’ve earned it. You are deserving of care and wellness and health everyday, all of the time, and forever.

1. JOURNAL. Even if not on paper and with a pen or pencil, you can type in the notes app on your phone. At least once a day, check in with yourself. How you feeling? What did you discover or see that day? What would you like to achieve?

2. MOISTURIZE. The hand cream you bought is in your bag for a reason. The lotion you bought shouldn’t be a “special occasion” thing. The body butter sitting in your bathroom shouldn’t just be for show. Use it! Use it when you wake up, use it before bed, and use it when you feel like it. Soft hands are happy hands.

3. HYDRATE. Water is essential to a properly functioning body! From regulating your body’s temperature to aiding in digestion and more. Are you drinking 8 to 15 glasses of water a day?

4. BREATHING FRESH AIR. Aside from the refreshing feeling of being outdoors, spending time outside and breathing fresh air can do wonders for you — physically and mentally.

5. LISTENING TO YOUR BODY. Rest when you’re tired. Eat when you’re hungry. Cry when you need to. Stop over-working yourself. Stop suppressing feeling and stop talking yourself out of what you need and deserve.

6. SAYING NO. Why do we put ourselves through misery just to make others happy or to prove ourselves? If you aren’t feeling it, don’t force yourself to.

7. HONESTY. Holding onto what’s in your heart and hiding it from the world will suffocate you. Saying what you actually mean to say will liberate you. Open up and set yourself free.

8. FOOD. Need I say more?

9. DESIGNATE & DEFINE A SAFE SPACE. Having something that never changes can bring a sense of grounding to your life. I know for me, the nook of my room where my record player sits is an environment that provides peace and stability. It’s sacred, and I know it will always be there for me.

10. LOVE & HUMAN CONNECTION. Surrounding yourself with love is easier than it sounds. Love is everywhere. There’s love in the hugs you give and there can even be love between you and the music in your ears. Notice it and accept it. Then extend it outwards.


